Stylistically beautiful, Rosie’s Crimson Fields was a delightful book to read. From a technical perspective, the story (or life story) was well crafted and skillfuly weaved into a rich and tragic tapestry.
It provides a gripping account of the devastation wrought on a woman looking for her daughter and a nation searching for its destiny. It paints a vivid picture of the tragedy that befell the Assyrian people during the first global war. Throughout the book I felt my grandparents' pain of losing their home, vineyards, orchards, churches and most importantly their precious children, friends and kin-folk. A rich and vibrant culture assassinated by barbarians.
Madeleine's pain was palpable and real. Her misfortune was representational of what our people had to endure when no great nation took them under its wings essentially falling between the cracks of history.
The perseverance of the heroine and her taking the rose bush that reminded her of Urmi is a testament to human endurance of spirit as hope springs eternal. The rose lives on in the name of the author - my deep respect appreciation for Rosie's talent and incredible effort. Zaia Abraham - Calgary, Alberta
Yesterday, I finished your Assyrian Requiem. The final pages of your symphony of words gently let me emerge from an emotional rollercoaster ride from the zenith to the nadir of the Human Condition. I have rarely been so moved by any work of art. I thank you and toast you for the emotional and spiritual journey you share with all those who read "The Crimson Field."
There were many portions of the book that flowed poetically. There were times when I thought I was reading "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabrielle Marquez. There were also times when the short staccato sentences were so powerful and direct that I thought I was reading Hemmingway. By not sugarcoating the horrors of the massacre of the Assyrian Nation, the impact on this reader was as powerful as anyone who observes Picasso's paintings of Guernica. The image of Fibronia sitting at the edge of the well at Mart Maryam Church amidst the carnage with her hand out to Abbas in anticipation of receiving bread will always be with me and will help my better angels overcome my demons.
Your book addresses the current battle of the civilizations which is presently being waged between Judeo-Christian believers and those Mohammadens who blindly follow dogmatic Islamic teachings. It squarely confronts the abhorent way Muslim women are considered and treated by the men who allegedly love and care for them. Being the pet dog of a Mohammaden male whould definitely be better than being his wife. Where is Gloria Steinem now to rain feminist hell on all Islamic males for there treatment of women? Hopefully she is not shopping at Barneys on 5th Avenue. As brave women you directly confront the inhuman treatment of Muslim woman which still continues. At a time when most women either lack the courage or will not take the time to wage war against the inhuman treatment of Muslim women, your book provides a foundation to wage this war. I toast and admire your courage in confronting this issue.
I was amazed that I did not know anything about the Assyrian Massacre between 1914 and 1918 prior to speaking with Monica and reading "The Crimson Field."Now I have been edified. Hopefully, in anyone's lifetime he or she can be part of a fight and struggle for justice on behalf of those they love. Please note that I use the present tense because we never stop loving those who love us and are deceased. The Crimson Field is all about love. It forced me to revisit the dark corners of my own soul to rekindle the memories of those who love me and are no longer here. I thank you for this wonderful gift and envy the commitment you made to those you love by creating such a wouderful work of art.
The Crimson Field pierced my soul and left a flower in it. The Assyrian Nation and its people will never die and never ever be forgotten. Thankfully yours, John Corr Saginaw, Southern CA
Dear Rosie, I never thought it would be such a wonderful book. I just have received it. I don't know how to thank you. It is luxurious, I congratulate your publisher, the designer an the painter, and your photographer. I don't know yet if you had an award for this book, you merit it greatly as you have done a laborious work. I wish you much happiness. Love from Louise Kiffer - France
Dear Rosie, Where to begin....First of all I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing this book. We were brought up with stories about the Seyfo, past on from generation to generation. I knew what to expect with your book, I thought. But nothing had prepared me for what I was about to read. It was a struggle to get through certain passages in the book....such cruelty... The stories I knew in my head and your story on paper became very real and graphic. I often sat reading with tears pouring down my face, angry because of the injustice and cruelty that was inflicted on the Assyrians, on MY people. Angry because no one seemed to know, no one seemed to care! How is it that they got away with these massacre's? With nearly wiping off an entire nation of men, women and children in such a horrific manner? (How is this still happening?!) How?! With every turn of the page I was hoping for a change of course, for a happy ending. Like a child reading a fairytale, but this is no fairytale. This is the hard cold reality, this is our truth, our history....Pari, with her strength, who tried to look beyond the madness, race and religion and kept believing in the kindness of mankind. Maghdleta, with her strong faith, her endless dedication to finding her family and motherly love. Daniel, with his proud Assyrian heart. They were real! And thanks to you their story and the stories of other Assyrians will be heard and known. Thank you for sharing this and giving us Assyrians back our identity, a voice. I learned a lot by reading your book, not just in historical sense but also about myself. I was gripped by a sense of patriotism again, a sense of pride and self worth. Something I hadn't felt for a long time, something I had lost,....You've woken me up Rosie. You've inspired me with your passion and dedication. You’re like my personal Oprah ;-) ...Dear Rosie last but not least, thank you for making my Assyrian heart beat again...Lots of love, Joyce C. - U.K.
Dear Rosie, I appreciate your efforts in writing the history of our Assyrian people. Your wonderful style in writing made me to finish reading your The Crimson Field within a few days though I was so busy. I wish you all the success and God bless you. Archbishop Gewargis Sliwa, Assyrian Catholic Church of the East - Baghdad, Iraq
Dear Rosie, Shlamalakh, forgive me if I called you Rosie, because after reading your book I feel very close to you. I just finished the book. First of all let me congratulate you. Although my English is not as fluent as yours but I enjoyed every word and every paragraph. There are not many books that when you read them you walk through the streets and feel the surroundings. I have been to Urmi few times and you took me back not only to those days but to the time beyond my existence. I, as every other Assyrian, have lost my great grandfather on the road to Russia. Of course I'm too young for being in those days but I heard from my father. When I was in the middle of the book I talked to a friend of mine who had already finished the book. We went through the book, ups and downs, agreements and arguments. What my friend told me was though he always wished in his life that somebody, somewhere, sometime [would] write about us Assyrians, about the genocide to the outside world to non-Assyrians. And you did it. I remember your dad back in the country and even when I came to your house once with one of my friends. Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart. Usually I don’t read many English books but your book was an exception and I'm proud that I read it...Give my regards and congrats to your sister for the beautiful job she has done. Joseph Saroukhanoff - Turlock, CA
I read the heartrending and harrowing historical novel of Rosie Malek-Yonan, The Crimson Field; I say bravo to the author and to the publishers. The book is very well written, assembled and printed...With warm regards and best wishes. Very sincerely, Aprim K. Abraham ­ North Hills, CA
Dear Rosie; Assyrian greetings. I just read your book, The Crimson Field. I was totally moved by your book’s artistic, patriotic, and literal work. This book is a “must read” for all Assyrians and friends of Assyrians. It is a book that covers love, life, history, religion, and above all, eternal love and compassion for our Assyrian nation. Best regards, Bel Lazar - Northridge, CA
I just finished reading your book. It was amazing, and fascinating from start to finish. I recomment it to everyone of my friends and family. Thank you very much for the magnificent book. I wish we had more books like that. Sincerely, Poulin Moshabad
Dear Ms. Malek-Yonan, I feel obliged to write and thank you for the wonderful experience you granted me by writing your beautiful composition, a great novel interwoven with chapters of history, while one enriches the other. To think of it that such horrible events happened in my parents’ lifetime in our neighborhood (a missile’s range away), without it entering our knowledge makes me feel uneasy. I feel, hope and am sure that with your book, you can be and do for your people what Franz Werfel was and did for the Armanians, his book was all the difference between the history of the two people up till now, you closed the gap...Once again I want to thank you for the great opus you granted us with. And here is a promise: Next June when I’ll drive my old pickup once more under a huge Mulberry tree, which I am too old to climb but still tall enough to reach, I’ll raise a handful of berries as toast in honour of your grand mother and you “Lechaim”. Sincerely Yours, Yavin Katz - Nir-Zvi, Israel
Rosie Malek is an Assyrian that has achieved what other Assyrians have not dared to achieve. I admire her courage and determination to prove that an individual can make a lot of difference to himself and eventually to his nation...If all Assyrians without any exceptions had the deeds and thoughts of Rosie we would be in a better situation than what we are in now. Rosie to you I say BRAVO. Assyrians need someone like you. We have to be realistic and act now and it does not matter if the outcome of our efforts and endeavours are felt within the next two hundred years the most important issue is the first STEP of the journey, and you Rosie have started that Journey. We should stop being proud of our ancestors and let us be proud of our current generation who are without any shame keeping the name of ASSYRIA alive and proving that what others can do we can do BETTER. God...Alaha Ashur be with you and let us hear more from Rosie. My best wishes and regards. Youel Veshay - Australia
Dear Editor; I am so pleased there is another book that tells of the Assyrian Genocide. My congratulations to Rosie Malek-Yonan...Thea Halo, author of “Not Even My Name” - US
Dear Rosie; Last night, I finished "The Crimson Field". Awesome, breath taking, very sad. Should be a movie, couldn't put the book down. BRAVO. Keep up the good work. Wish you all the success in the world. Again, BRAVO. God Bless. Montaha Kochou, author of "Burning Desire" &"Will The Sun Rise Again?" - Chicago, IL
Your passion for “the cause,” coupled with your passion for the arts, will make you a force to reckon with; your courage and conviction in the face of such evil incarnate is nothing less than remarkable. Go kick some ass on behalf of the Assyrian people! Brian Patrick Clarke, FL
Bravo -- again -- Rosie! Way to stand up (and out...) and shout for what you believe! “Rage, rage against the dying of the light” could never be more apropos. Kudos to you kid! Brian Patrick Clarke, FL
Rosie, please keep up the great work. You are truly an inspiration to the younger generation of Assyrians. John Kanno, Congressional Candidate - Modesto, CA
Dear Rosie, I’m so happy I’m alive to have met you. I was so excited to get your book that I haven’t been able to put it down! My eyes are killing me and I haven’t slept many hours in days. Your wording in the book is precious, your thoughts and the continuity of your story keep the reader (me) alert and absorbed in your tale. Sarah Newey Benjamin - Chicago, IL
Dear Rosie: I am proud to say that I know you like all Assyrian today should be. The Crimson Field is the sad and forgotten page of our history. Thank you for reminding the world and the Assyrian nation. Your dedication and contribution to our nation inspired me to include your Masterpiece in my teaching of our children. Thank you, Marduk Betoushana, Assyrian Church of the East, St. Thomas Parish Sunday School - New Britain, CT
Dear Rosie, My name is Yoel Malek-Yonan. Rachel is my daughter. I am so grateful to you for showing an interest in Rachel. She is a wonderful young woman. I think it would be great if you two could meet some day. I know it would mean a lot to her. Rachel showed me the book you sent her. I read it cover to cover in a few days. I couldn’t put it down. It was kind of surreal reading about my own family. I really enjoyed it. I feel so close to you and it’s because you put so much into your writing. There is so much I want to say to you...I cannot thank you enough for what you have given me and Rachel. If you ever need anything of me I will be there for you. Love, Yoel Malek-Yonan - Tappahanock, VA
Hi Rosie! It's David, long time no see. I think you're doing a great job sharing, inspiring and educating and I hope no one takes it for granted. Well I just finished reading the book and it left a lasting imprint on my mind and in my heart. It was very meaningful and taught me that a greater good can always come out of any bad. I read the first half here and there finishing large portions. The pages whipping as I turned them. However, the last half was such that I finished it all without stopping! I cried and cried. I wanted so much for the child to be found. As I want my Assyria that is gone to come back. And I see now that I must accept that it is gone and move on. That's what I took away from the book. As well the main characters’ new lives that came after showed me that with strength we can have back (though not as it once was) what we lost, and maybe even more! I love the book, I love you, thank you for moving our...Love, your friend, David Daryawish - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dear Rosie, ... "Crimson Field" brings back for me many memories of Urmi. My grandmother, Sona Arsanis, had a place in Deegala, where I would visit her in the summer. I lived in Tehran. I am the grandnephew of Raabi Binjamin Arsanis, one of our great writers and intellectuals. I applaud you for the extent of research you have put in "Crimson Field." It is a job well done, indeed. I was in San Jose this past weekend for an appearance on Ashur TV and for a reading from my novel "Will's Music" at the Assyrian Association. I was hoping to run into you so that I could tell you personally...Again, congratulations for a job well done. Regards, Obie Yadgar, Author of "Will's Music" - Glendale, WI
You are truly an inspiration. Rosie, I would like to congratulate you on all of your accomplishments. Being an American Assyrian (youth), I am very proud and overwhelmed with inspiration as a result of reading articles dedicated to you. I wish you luck through the rest of your endeavors. Best, Yvette Ablakat - Los Angeles, CA
Dear Ms. Malek-Yonan; I don't know if you remember me or not, but I was at your speech at the Assyrian National Council of Illinois. As I said while we were there, I really liked your speech. Your book was even better. Now, just so you know, that means your book was beyond words. I truly mean that. It may seem like it took me awhile to read your book, but actually I started it only three days ago. Don't get me wrong, I was eager to read the book, but after hearing you speak, I realized that the book would be much deeper. So, I decided to read the book sometime when I could just relax and really get the meaning, without having other things troubling my mind. Why not Thanksgiving break? I planned to read it then, and I did. And as it turns out, the book wasn't as I had expected it to be. It was much better. It had so much more thought. I love writing. It's my favorite thing to do. Come to my house and you'll see so many stories, and so many little fairy tales, that I wrote! I always like seeing other REAL authors' work, and getting a feel for their sense of writing. To tell the absolute truth, your writing was honestly the best I've seen. I was amazed how every sentence had a beautiful use of words, blending and mixing them. It was really something that made me think, not about each chapter, nor each passage, but each sentence, each word. Thought was packed into every letter that was used to make your book. Now, the content, wow. It was really something that made me fall into the story, and never put it down. It was really sad. I can't believe that all that actually happened, and people don't care about it. They just push it aside. It makes no sense to me at all. And, even though it was before reading the book, I asked my teacher why we didn't study the Assyrian Holocaust in school. This was her answer, "We simply don't have enough time, I mean, you will do a light touch on it, but with everything, it would be impossible." In response, I simply nodded my head, even though anger boiled inside me. Millions of thoughts formed in my mind about how it wasn't fair. Not just to us, about how we didn't really learn about it, but unfair to all the people who died, and how their murder is just thrown aside, as if it didn't mean anything. If we spend a whole quarter, which is like 3 months, on the Jewish Holocaust, why do we just "lightly touch" the Assyrian Holocaust? These things just don't make sense to me. But I really do believe that your book will make it big, and eventually become a movie, and people won't have to rely on school to show them real history. Wow, I could go on and on and on about your book. I really could. But, I think, that all the thoughts that my mind is telling me to share are meant to be kept inside. If you ask me to describe your book in one word, I would choose 'truth'. If you asked me why, I'd say, because that's what I think the book wanted to get to its reader. Thank you for writing it. You truly are a hero. Sincerely, Reine Hanna - Chicago, IL
An Assyrian movie will be the best introduction of a nation under occupation. Noray Baba - Southern CA
Dear Rosie. Peace of our Lord be with you. It was quite encouraging to find that a daughter of our Nation has reached a level of success within her chosen career. I pray that God strengthens you to use your gift for the glory of His Holy Name. Psalm 86:9 "All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name." God Bless, Fr. Genard Lazar, St. Peter & Paul Parish, Assyrian Church of the East, Sydney - Australia
Hi Rosie; I just thought I would send you a little note to let you know that I just finished your book The Crimson Field. I have a co-worker by the name of Fred Younano who is of Assyrian decent, who introduced me to it. I have never wrote to an author before, but felt I had to this time. Your book was very moving. I laughed and cried throughout the reading. It was one of the rare books that a person could not put down, which I read in two days. I spoke with Fred about it when I was done reading and had mentioned to him that it would make a great movie...Thank you for writing a heartfelt book. Bird Butler - Modesto, CA
Dearest Rosie; This is Anokeen, Ashourbella Betoshana's daughter. I was so happy to see you...and speak to you...My friend and I are reading your book and are amazed everyday by the power you use in creating the clearest pictures for us. Us people that were not there and are even one generation further from the stories as you and my mother were. You bring everything to life for us in your words and depictions of the events that so changes our lives as Assyrians. You make that one part of our history a reality to us and as clear as day. For this I thank [you] along with every other Assyrian that has read your book. I ask you to allow us to read an insert from your book on our [television] talk about what happened to Mar Benyamin, the great leader of our church and all the Assyrian people...Again I thank you for such an amazing gift. Yours truly, Anokeen Varani - Turlock, CA
Hi Rosie...I'm an Assyrian poet. I just want to say that your book is one of the best I've read by far. I'm honored to have an Assyrian woman like yourself to represent me. You made me proud for I am a nationalist myself and I love my Assyrian history and the Assyrian nation. You have touched my heart on every page you wrote. I cried most of the story it was brilliant and you're brilliant. I am looking forward to hear back from you and I wish I had met you while you were in Chicago, although I have an autographed copy from you personally which I will treasure always. My mom bought me your book and had it signed for me. I want you to know I have became your marketing agent here in Chicago I have made 9 people buy your book so far and I just finished it 2 days ago, and I still have a long way to go. Your Assyrian Sister
Marina A. Benjamin, Poet - Chicago, IL
Thank you so very much for "The Crimson Field" and for keeping the Assyrian legacy alive...Your love for your people is heart warming. God bless you.
Fred Aprim, author of “Assyrians: The Continuous Saga” - Hayward, CA
...My cousin told me about your book, which I read over Christmas break. I’m an Assyrian filmmaker, born in Iraq, and immigrated to the states when I was a boy. I spent summers visiting my grandmother, who had an apartment in Tehran and a small piece of land in Urmi. My grandmother, whose husband was killed as a young man (not as young as Daniel) raised 5 daughters in Urmi and told me of the atrocities committed by the Kurds and the Turks. Your novel brought back so many personal memories. Riding in a doroshka; the days I sat next to the driver, I was in heaven. Stealing walnuts from a local farm and actually being shot at while we ran away with a pocketful of the fresh walnuts. And seeing William Daniel’s name in there was very wonderful...Reading about Pari, I visualized my grandmother. They were built of the same ilk. Strong and of an iron will and a never faltering conviction...Thank you for taking on such an enormous task. I hope we can meet sometime. Alfred B. Rasho, Documentary Film Maker, Roxie Media Corporation - Chicago, IL
Dear Rosie, shlama; Congratulations on your book. B'shena. Rev. John Booko - Three Rivers, MI
A Humble Word of Appreciation. Dear Ms Malek-Yonan, I don't think that I'll be able to add to all the superb reviews and exceptional feedbacks that you've been getting (I did read all that is on-line about your book and watched your Media interviews that my kids - enjoyed - and recorded for me) and your book signing sessions in California...Beside conveying a very special CHEH-BOO for all your most appreciated efforts and your hard working (bright and well-lit) background. You are a one of a kind role model for any of our Assyrian kids. I know that you are, for my children since your early roles...Thanks and have a blessed day, Rev. Shamasha John Kaninya - Fresno, CA
Greetings (Shlamalakh). Wow!!! I really enjoyed your book. You bring your characters back to life. I can almost smell the flowers, or feel the breezes. There are a few places where I’ve been puzzled by your word choice, but in general the book read quite well...I am now more in awe than I was when you introduced yourself at Mart Maryam [Church] in Encino/Tarzana. Wow! I wonder if similar occurrences happened in Germany and Eastern Europe under the Nazis; I wonder if German, Polish, Czech, and Hungarian ‘friends’ and acquaintances of the local Jews similarly abandoned the Jews to torture and death as your kin were so abandoned. I wonder if I myself would have the fortitude to hold to my convictions against the pressures of my co-religionists or my fellow Euro-Americans. I wonder, if faced by the view that some group, whether Assyrian, Armenian, American Indian, Australian Aborigine, Chicano, Jew, or gay, is less human, I would be willing to defend them against those who seem so ready to spill the blood of others. Be Well, Bob Griffin - Los Angeles, CA
Dear Rosie...Last night I read from your book on our television program. I had calls from people telling me that they were so happy to hear us read from your book. Thank you for the great honor...It was really hard not to cry while reading those words. Words that clearly expressed to us the events of that one terrible day in history. Again I thank you so much for allowing me to read from your book. It was a great honor. Love, Anokeen Varani - Turlock, CA
Dear Ms. Rosie Malek-Yonan...I read your less than a week...reading it after work...staying up late and early morning hours...The following mornings it was very difficult to concentrate on the work because the story would not leave me alone...sometimes I was feeling sad, and at times very difficult to hide the tears from the family, and sometimes very mad but all the times proud to be an Assyrian. You skillfully wrote what are in the hearts of many Assyrians specially those that heard terrible stories from their parents or grandparents. Many years ago my Grandmother briefly told me how she with her mother-in-law and other Assyrians escaped from Urmi to Russia in 1914. You have mixed history with novel in such a professional way that I could imagine and feel every scene of it. For me the book was like a wakeup call...I...make my daughters speak only Assyrian language at home and...I am asking [my friends and relatives] to do the same. I now strongly believe that we have to keep our language alive and try to pass it on to the next generation. To do less, in light of so many sacrifices by so many brave Assyrians, I believe is an act of treason. Our parents taught and gave us this language as "hemanta" not to keep it for ourselves only but to pass it on to our children...Thank you for writing such a great book with such an extraordinary subject. You and your sister are brave Assyrians...I met you and your sister briefly at the mall on Nov. 10, 2005 and bought a few more copies of the book for my friends and relatives as Christmas gift which I believe were the best gifts I have ever given to anybody. I gave the book to my wife to read...I could not believe it. That was the first time I saw her not watching television after work and reading a book from start to end. My older daughter which was with me at the mall is reading the book...What made me write to you today was reading the letters people have sent you with so many positive and good reactions. I also wanted to thank you for all the good things this book has done to me. Please you and your sister take care of yourselves because our Assyrian Nation needs such brave writers and editors. Thank you again for your hard work in creating such a masterpiece which I call "Born Again Assyrian." May god bless and protect you and all Assyrians. Long live Assyrian Nation. Simon Younan, P.E. - Northridge, CA
I have heard great reviews about The Crimson Field. Perhaps I can use it as a reference for our lecture about the Assyrian genocide. Ramsen Goriel, Instructor, Political Science, University of California at Berkeley
Dear Rosie...I was born and raised in Chicago. I’ve been involved with theatre/film-making for the last 9 years...I recently visited your website and saw all your amazing accomplishments and just wanted to congratulate you on everything. As a young Assyrian artist, I am always excited to see another Assyrian in the entertainment field and succeeding at it...Sincerely yours. Martin Khoshaba, Strategic Entertainment - Chicago, IL
Rosie, I just read the interview and I wanted to say job very well done. It was terrific. I hope you don't mind but I forwarded to people to read... Martin Khoshaba, Strategic Entertainment - Chicago, IL
Dear Rosie; I am a 39 year old Assyrian living in Australia for 37 years. First of all I would like to congratulate u on all u have achieved. You have done your nation proud. Your book sounds like it will be very interesting reading, although it is sad that history seems to be repeating itself in our homeland... Stewart Dinkha - Sydney, Australia
It is 1:27 a.m. Tuesday morning. I run an office supplies business and have to be up in 5 hours to go to work, and I still haven’t fed the dog yet, and it is all because I just finished the last 158 pages. I am dead tired so I will make this short and sweet —BRAVO— Stewart Dinkha - Sydney, Australia
Shlame Dear Rosie; We just finished reading about you in Zinda Magazine. First of all you are so beautiful, as always. Second, we are so proud of you for all your accomplishments, achievements and for not forgetting your Assyrian roots...Regards, Pierre and Angie Toulakany - Los Angeles, CA
Dear Rosie...I want to congratulate you for the Crimson Field, and for being successful in your speech. Our nation really does need people like you. I will keep you in my prayers...Blessings, Rev. Samuel Khangaldy - San Jose, CA
It is an honor to read about you and your family’s history. We are proud of you and of any Assyrian who is trying hard to bring this great nations’ achievements back again to serve the world like our ancestors did. Ashour Zaia, Production Manager - Elmhurst, IL
I don’t know what it is about Starbucks but on Tuesday I walked into one and an Assyrian man was sitting there reading the book. We are all very proud of you for writing The Crimson Field and giving our people a chance to learn their history. I know that it is essential for the whole world to learn about us and bring our cause back in the public eye but if we all don’t learn our own history it makes it that more difficult to teach the world. I plan on spending the Christmas holiday reading the book and I am looking forward to learning a little more about my ancestral past. I have heard great reviews about the story from a few friends that were reading the book. I also wanted to tell you that you are a fantastic reader. I was so impressed with the way you not only read the book but made me feel like I was there in the moment. Your emotions were phenomenal and the way you delivered every word was perfect. I am assuming that is because you wrote it and no one can portray the message better than you. Billy Haido, Strategic Entertainment - Chicago, IL
Dear Rosie; Congratulations on the release of your book. I hope this is the first of many successes. All the best. Regards, Helen Denkha, author of “Private Purgatory” - Australia
I hope you will continue the work that you are doing. Sabri Atman, author and journalist - Denmark
Hello Rosie, I just wanted to congratulate you on your book and to your wonderful contribution to our history... Dr. Deborah M. Khoshaba, Psy.D., Clinical Psychologist - Laguna Beach, CA
Hello Rosie; I was very proud to find your success in the entertainment industry. I wish you all the best with your book. I am impressed about you wanting to help other Assyrian artists...I would like to say that we are very proud and refreshed to see personality such as yours trying to make a difference. God Bless you and keep it up. Robert Dikho, Artist Manager - Canada
Dear Rosie; I have read few chapters of the Crimson Field and I enjoyed every sentence. Sayros Yadgar, Ashur TV - San Jose, CA
Shlamalakh Rosie...I recently read about you in Zinda Magazine. I can't tell you how proud I was, particularly to see so much Assyrian pride in you! How terrific!... Yolanda Bebla, Host of Atour TV - San Jose, CA
Shlamalakh Rosie! I was happy to see you earlier tonight! The event appears to be a success and everyone seemed to have been moved by your lecture... Yolanda Bebla, Host of Atour TV - San Jose, CA
Could you please please send me a photo of you. I love all I have heard and all I have read about you and you are absolutely wonderful. Thank you for your website and thank you very much for taking the time to read mail from your admirers. The sky is definitely the limit for you. You are very very beautiful. Thank you very much. Gary Hoskins - Delta, PN
My Assyrian Princess; Wow, I am utterly, genuinely, truly speechless...Wanted to take this opportunity to share with you how PROUD I am about you and your accomplishments. For a lack of words, my hair was standing when I read your biography and the worked that you have done. After looking through your credits, now I know where I have seen you. I forwarded your web site to all my friends, Assyrian and non-Assyrians. All my non-Assyrian friends know about US ASSYRIANS, I always make sure of that (in a good way)...And looking forward to your book release. Sincerely yours, Sacha Betmaleck - Glendale, CA
Hi Rosie...You're doing some great work here for our people. I wish [you] all the best luck and success...I will spread the word... Bernard Malek - Los Angeles, CA
Hello Rosie... "The Crimson Field". What an apt title!...I was very moved by your writing and felt, very deeply, the passion and pain for our culture, heritage and the legacy that has been left to us. Naturally, I...plan to be at your October book reading in San Jose, book-in-hand, with questions (hopefully.) I have been tossing around some ideas about trying to tell the story you have related in your book, because it needs to be told, and I am so glad and grateful that someone has gotten to it. On a secondary note, I have been viewing your website and am thrilled and quite proud to see a fellow Assyrian (particularly an Assyrian woman) excel, and make some headway in the entertainment industry...Sincerely, Carmen David - San Jose, CA
Hello Rosie; Hope all is well. I just saw the cover of your book. What a beauty. It is amazing how the artist has captured the cruelty of the battlefield yet has made it so soft to look at. You cannot help but to feel hopeful that at the end, it will all be alright. Congratulations. Rebecca Simon - Los Angeles, CA
Dear Rosie... "Nationalism is carrying a promise of immortality, an uninterrupted chain of being." It has been true since the time of Gilgamesh. Thus, The Crimson Field will advance the immortality of a brutal story, the massacre of the Assyrians. You have our full support, and this is not just a promise, it is our mission. Yours in Assyrianism, Benjamin Daniali, Co-host of “Good Morning Assyria” - Los Angeles, CA
Dear Rosie...I visited your website's Photos section about two hours ago. A thought came to my mind. "Rosie receives all these passion. It's amazing how she gets treated by all these Assyrian organizations. I've never seen such a thing in past 15 years that I've been involved in Assyrian patriotic activities. It seems that we are united after all at least on one thing. Is it the message of The Crimson Field that unites us, or her personality or popularity? The message is the most of it for sure, and also it's her being from an Assyrian royal family, see Benny, we lost the royal family on 612 BC, and since then we missed it so much. I could feel it. People consciously or subconsciously missed the leadership, who they want to be wise, fare, firm, and down to earth. She is all of these and much more. Remember, Baba said he wants the book. Baba does not even read English, why you think he wants the book?"...Yours in Assyrianism, Benjamin Daniali, Co-host of “Good Morning Assyria” - Los Angeles, CA
Hi Sister. Just wanted to say that my Family and I very proud of you. Keep up the good work and Alaha Khamelokhon. Sargon & Regina Warda
Dear Rosie; I am very happy that your tour in the Bay Area was very successful and you left a very positive impression on its people...Best regards and good luck. Sincerely, Voltaire E. Warda - Millbrae, CA
I am writing from Baghdad to publicize the Crimson Field. I hope you will let all your friends (Americans and Assyrians) know about it. The best thing is also to give it as a gift. Pauline Jasim - Baghdad, Iraq
First and foremost, as an Assyrian, I would like to congratulate you on your book. I obtained my copy while you were promoting it in Chicago and I finished reading it yesterday. Your story revived the buried memories of our tragic history and the horrible time that our grandparents went through during the great war...Look foreword to your next project. Sincerely, Raymond W. David - Chicago, IL
Dear Rosie...I started reading the book. What can I say. I'm lost for words. I'm on chapter 30 and I can't put it down. I cried my eyes out last night reading the chapter...This book has truly touched my heart. Ya, I've read a great number of books but never really got to the end of them but this book has my full attention. Last night I went to my bedroom to be alone for awhile after a long day with the kids. I started reading the part when Pari reunites with her daughter, I was crying out loud. My husband comes upstairs and wonders what's going on. He then sat with me and I read the chapter to him. We both sat together and after finishing the chapter, we sat quiet. All I can say is thank you. As I was reading all I was thinking was what movie this would make or play. I was imagining the characters and what they we're feeling and how they would be acting. It touched me even more... Noela Mikaili - Turlock, CA
Dear Rosie; Hi. How are u doing? Well, I hope everything is well and your touring is going well. I finished the book today. As a matter of fact about five minutes ago. I wanted to tell u truly you touched my heart. Tears we're rolling down my cheeks non-stop. It's amazing how when you're a mom it affects you more. When your grandmother couldn't find her daughter she never gave up hope until her last breath. It was amazing I wanted to reach out and do a search myself that's how I was affected. I felt so horrible towards the end and drained that after finishing the novel I took a few hrs for myself just sitting back and sinking what took place. All I can say I miss your grandmother it was an adventure being with her following her life. Thank you for a book that I'll never forget and I will pass it on to my daughter to read and I'm hoping it will go on and on in our family. Say hi to Monika. Give her my love. Tell her every time we see her we'll see Fibronia. Love Always. Noela Mikaili - Turlock, CA
Hi Rosie...Your book looks to tell much of the same stories I heard from my relatives throughout my childhood growing up in Chicago, and explains a lot of what they were about and what forged them into the people they became. I'll pass the book information to my relatives in California, Chicago & Canada. This is a book every Assyrian should have. Clu Carradine - Solvang, CA
Hello Rosie, How are you doing? I hope everything is working out fantastic for you, and the book tour. I hope you remember me. My dad Albert was the one interviewing you for Javanan [Magazine]...I want to let you know how much I am loving the book. I haven't been able to put it down during my free time. I am on page 105 right now, and I can't tell you how many times I have gotten the goose bumps, tears, and heart ache while reading. I have marked pages I feel I can use to help others know what our Ancestors and Family members went through. It has enlightened me to research our History, because my history is my backbone. I can't wait for the next chance for us to meet again to discuss the book, and just converse with a woman of your magnitude, knowledge, inspiration, strength, and compassion. I have the book with me at school, work, and recently went down to LA and have been publicizing it. Many people just come to ask me what it is I am reading. I am so proud to be able to tell them, and share with them a great historical novel about my people...I am leaving for visit my friend who's attending Med school at UIC...I'll be taking my new friend with me "The Crimson Field" to share with her...I wanted to share with you something I encountered over this past weekend, that you helped me with. I was visiting my cousin,...her roommate (African American) and a friend (Persian)...[H]er roommate asked me if I was Persian too. I responded no, I am Assyrian...I went on to explain about our people and how we date back to Babylonian times. I also told her about the Genocide, 750,000 Assyrians who were brutally massacred and yet we still remain today...It is very important to me to educate those who are ignorant, and those who just don't know. I wanted to thank you because during that conversation, I brought the book up and the facts from it. I was able to explain who we are much better...I want to thank you for writing this book, I am proud to be Assyrian and have someone represent us in the manner and respect that we deserve. Thank You!...Sincerely, Eidit Choochage - Turlock, CA
I watched your interview in Ashur TV. It was great to see our women are sharing in the history of their nation, and I’m really proud of it, and congratulation for such big work...your book...will help our new generation to know better about their history. Thanks a lot & God save you for more doing in future. Fred Hormozi - Karaj, Iran
Dear Rosie; I salute you for all your accomplishments and especially for your awareness of our national duties. My brother, Benjamin, has filed me in on all the information that has been published about you and your fantastic activities. It would be a pleasure to meet you, as your spirit can heal the spirit of all Assyrians in general and Assyrian females in particular...We appreciate all your hard work and talents, and we wish you all the best in your career. Sincerely, Shamiram Daniali, Turlock, CA
My dear Rosie, once I'm able to talk about your book without chocking and crying, I would like to verbalize how it left permanent imprints on my soul. All I can say for now is thank you for your love of our nation and your hard work. Thank you for reminding us not to forget!... Shamiram Daniali, Turlock, CA
Hi Rosie...Good luck with your book. I think you are a courageous person to work on a book like this. I believe you are someone with a mission;...George David - Chicago, IL
Thank you. Your book “The Crimson Field” is for all Assyrians... George David - Chicago, IL
Hi Rosie; Hope all is well with you. Glad you are on the road promoting your book. Bravo! Wish you great success. George Donabed, MA
Hi Rosie...I read your biography and felt so compelled to congratulate you on your accomplishments. I have to admit that the similarities in our last names have caught my attention. I am an Assyrian from Lebanon. My grandfather and his brother migrated to Lebanon following the horrible genocide in 1915. They came from Eastern Turkey, the Torus mountains. My grandfather was just 5 years old... George Younan - Beirut, Lebanon
Dear Ms. Malek-Yonan; I just had an email from a cousin, and it was about your book (The Crimson Field). When I saw your name, I wondered if you are related to George Malek-Yonan...The Malek-Yonans were very good friends of our family and I worked on his campaign team when he was running for the House of Representatives...I am so proud to see an Assyrian lady as an author of a book about Assyrians in Urmi, because both my parents were born there. I was born and raised in Abadan, the Oil City of Khuzestan, but have special fondness for Urmi because I consider it the root of most Assyrian families. I wish you good luck and success with this book and any other to come. Sincerely, Irene Bet-Daniel - Springfield, VI
Hello Rosie...I am a Assyrian living in Sydney Australia for the past 35 years...I couldn't help to find that my country women and men are forever making progress in this big wide wonderful world of ours...As an Assyrian I forever write on a regular basis to the BBC news and local stations to make myself heard to the plight of the Christians living in Iraq and Iran. Good luck with your book and I would be delighted to hear from you and good luck with your pursuit; warm regards. John Tooma - Sydney, Australia
Dear Rosie; I am Jookoo, an Assyrian musician. I saw your biography and I was very impressed. I just did research about the roots of flamenco which came from our ancient singing...As an Assyrian, we need to let our message out through music and film to present it to the world so it knows about our culture. You know we are a suffering people for 3000 years; today many countries do not want to recognize our identity; we are victims of the world's political wars...I am currently living in Spain and have played with many famous musicians, including Tito Puente, Al Di Meola, Moraíto Chico, Parrilla de Jerez and our great singer King Biba...Sincerely, Jookoo - Spain
Dear Rosie; Eugene and I had a wonderful time at your reception in San Jose on Saturday and are thrilled to have met you and Monica. I went to the Crimson Field site and saw how hectic your appearance schedule for that day alone as well as for the whole month has been. You are absolutely indefatigable. I wrote my father that you two are everything he knew you'd be and more!...Love and aloha, Laurie Asahara - Redwood City, CA
Dear Rosie; Thank you for writing "The Crimson Field." What a tremendous oeuvre. I finished reading it about two weeks ago, and must say that I was overwhelmed and needed time to pull my thoughts together. I want to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your book and how much what I learned from it has meant to me. It has taught me who my people were (and are) and has given me a sense of identity that was never made clear to me before. At about the halfway point in the book, I could no longer put it down, but I still needed to get to sleep at night! So each night became an exercise in self-restraint to put in the bookmark, close the book, and not pick it up again until the next day. On the day that I finished reading the book, I was up to 3:00 a.m., in tears. You have forever etched into my mind and heart the firsthand account of the honor, bravery, and steadfastness of the people in your family, and of all Assyrian people. For once, I have a fuller understanding of how my family and other Assyrians lived back home and the enormity of the circumstances under which they came to live in the U.S. If you have the time, from time to time, maybe you would offer me your thoughts on some questions that I have in light of what I've read in your book: I would very much appreciate your ideas about who the Assyrian Nation considers itself to be today. At present, is there any single intellectual, cultural, religious, and/or political hub for Assyrians? How safe are Assyrians who live in Middle Eastern countries? What is the consensus in the Assyrian community on second-generation people like me and my siblings who have been sort of orphaned out into the diaspora?...Love and aloha, Laurie Asahara - Redwood City, CA
Hi Rose...The Crimson Field is a huge contribution to our rich Assyrian history. You will see the fruit of your book in the future and surely it is going to extend beyond our lifetime...Love, Mary Sargoni - Turlock, CA
Dear Rosie...After hearing about your newly published book, The Crimson Fields, I looked upon your website read your biography and family tree. I am not only congratulating you on your achievements and for your book about the Assyrians and their endeavour for a better life but mainly for reason that some one like you who has been involved in many fields such as movies etc, but yet has kept her true identity as the daughter of Assyria, is the overall greatest achievement in its self. Assyrians need people like you who can shout out loud for their rights to be heard. Remember, living for yourself is not much of a great achievement, but living for others, is the greatest gift of life that you can present to some one and you just did that...Once again, congratulations and my best wishes for you and your family. Michael Askaro - Sydney, Australia
Dear my beloved sister in Assyria. I read this in Zinda Magazine “The Crimson Field Author Seeks Recognition For Her People in Iraq." What can I say about some one like you who has achieved what she wanted but still, has a hunger for the humanity and the truth? Our people will be massacred again and our leaders are not doing enough but only trying to fix up their own problems that they had created a long time ago. BUT YOU instead, who can just simply enjoy the life and not give a damn about what is happening, are asking for their recognition...You are not doing this for your mother (God bless her soul who gave you this encouragement through her words) but for all the Assyrians, all mothers, fathers, sons and daughters and you are one of them. Be proud for you have something within you that is more precious than gold, and it is God. I hope that you do not give up and there will be more of you among our people... Michael Askaro - Sydney, Australia
My deepest regards to Ms. Malek-Yonan for the hard work. We need more people like Ms. Malek-Yonan to spread our cause all over the world. John Tooma, Graphic Designer/Illustrator - Australia
Hi Rosie; I watched you on [television] and was so proud of my nationality thru you. May the Lord bless you...atin evat tach id reshan. Michael S. Benjamin - Roseville, CA
Good Morning Rosie! Shlameh min Canada...I am an Assyrian...Everyone just calls me Michi...Rosie, I am writing this email to congratulate you on The Crimson Field. I initially read your biography in Zinda; but I was really moved by your speech at your book signing which was shown on [television]. You are so polished, and so thoroughly genuine, that you had me almost in tears at some points. This was particularly the case when you read a passage from your book. I am so pleased to know that people like you still exist - people with a commitment to personal growth and achievement which is grounded within the parameters of a solid upbringing in Church, family and community. Rosie, is there any chance that you would be coming to Southern Ontario any time soon? Perhaps I could help to arrange a portion of your book tour, if you would like me to. It would be my express pleasure to do so. One of my very good friends is the president of the Assyrian Society of Canada in Mississauga. I can definitely call him and set something up very quickly; also, I am fairly active in our Church (COE) here in Hamilton; it would be very easy to set up another date in the Church; and I am confident that other venues can be accessed in Windsor and London...I myself would like to purchase a copy of The Crimson Fields; but I will wait until I can meet you in person so that you can sign it for me in indelible ink, so that any future generations could have a definite link to their past...Also, thank you again for your hard work in writing this book and keeping the memories of our fallen relatives. I look forward to keeping in touch with you in the future. Raba pshena. Michael M. Goreil (Michi) - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Dear Rosie; I came across your web site and details by accident. One thing I can say is that I am proud to see you where you are at the moment...Anyway from another Assyrian here down under I say good luck and all the best...Regards Nabeel Marcus - Pyrmont NSW Australia
I just found out about you through a new friend of mine in L.A. I am an Assyrian from Canada, I am a frequent visitor to L.A. for music business, I am so proud of you, never heard about, but now I will pass your message to everyone that I know. Sincerely yours, Ninos Dikho - Canada
Hi Rosie, how are you?...I am the grandchild of Reswena Alkhas Malek whom she is the daughter of Shauakan , daughter of Rashid and Rebbeca Malek originated from Goitapa in Urmia, Iran. My grandmother survived the Assyrian genocide and got disconnected from the rest of her family and ended up in Syria...As I always hoped to discover the history of my grandmother's family, I thank God that I am getting closer to know more and more about it; history is very interesting to me. By the way I am from Lebanon but residing in the USA. God bless you and we are proud of you. Ninos Sheamon - Chicago, IL
Dear Rosie; I read the article in Zinda magazine and was very proud of all your accomplishments and the love for our nation...Stay proud of your heritage as you have, your nation is proud of you too. Best regards. Ninous Beitashour - San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Hi Rosie and hope all's well with you. My friend George Sanvanson and I attended your talk and book-signing in Chicago a couple weeks ago, and as George had written to you, we were both more than impressed with everything that you had to say... Ninus Simonzadeh - Chicago, IL
Thank you again Rosie for all that you represent and your novel accomplishments. Take care, Ninus Simonzadeh - Chicago, IL
Hello Rosie; I heard about you in...satellite [television] and I was very intrigued by your Film and Television credits as well as your goal to write a book based on the Assyrian massacres of 1914 - 1918...I have seen some of your work and it’s been great being able to have an Assyrian, such as yourself, in the business... Nourus Yacoub, Humber College Student - Mississagua, Toronto, Canada
Hi Rosie; I don’t typically do this but I just had a chance to look at your website and just wanted to give you my highest complements and wish you best with your new novel...Your work and family history is impressive, but more impressive is your dedication to your heritage and wanting to pass on the stories to new generation. Regards, Douglas Oshana
Dear Rosie; I visited your homepage today for the first time. Congratulations for what you have achieved and your contribution to the preservation of the Assyrian heritage and culture. I am anxiously waiting for the publication your novel The Crimson Field. This is another medium to attract the new generations of Assyrians to the Assyrian history and culture. Regards and best wishes. Philimon Darmo - Australia
Hi Rosie; I was really impressed when I read your article specially with all your achievement. I really had to send you this message...we are proud of your accomplishment... Ramina Ziyeh Betoushana - San Jose, CA
Dear Rosie; Thank you for...what you are doing for our poor nation. Rosie, I know you very well, I remember you and your sister as very pretty young girls in Tehran. My parents and your grand parents were good friends in Hamadan and Tehran (before I was born). We always were proud of your family and I am more proud of you and Monica for your accomplishments and for being good examples for our young Assyrians... Robert Paulissian - Tarzana, CA
I'm an Artist from Chicago...I’m proud of you for doing what you do; promoting Assyrian art, donating to our needy, and the best one of all: writing a book about our people's suffering in our 1915-1920 Holocaust. The entire world needs to know what happened to our Martyrs! Please let me know if I can ever be of assistance. It would be my honor! God Bless Assyrians (Hail Assyria!) Alen Baba, Fine-Art Photography & Graphic Artist - Chicago, IL
Dear Rosie...I am in my teens and I could say that you are setting a great example to all Assyrians around the world. I hope to meet you...Sincerely, Annabelle Badalpour - Chicago, IL
Thank you so much azista Rosie, we are so proud of you. Arbella Babaei, Assyrian American Association of San Jose - San Jose, CA
Dearest Rosie. Hello Rosie, it's David...Just when I feel a little calm from all the excitement, something new happens and I go crazy inside all over again. I'm telling everyone I can about this book, even non-Assyrians...Thanking you kindly. David Daryawish - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Rosie the book is so beautiful!!! You wrote A LOT! Thank you so much for your passage and the acknowledgment...with love. David Daryawish - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I just heard about your interview on...TV. I'm so proud of you and proud of the book you've made and what will come of it when people read it. You are really an inspiration and I don't know how you do it. David Daryawish - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I was born in Kirkuk, Iraq; left at age 2 and grew up in Chicago. I moved here to California 7 years ago...Thank you for your inspiration. I think you've also moved my family with your accomplishments and made them feel it is possible for an Assyrian girl to succeed; I hope to be just as successful. God Bless. Ator Tamras - CA
Hi Mrs. Yonan...I’m an Assyrian American actress as well, and I am writing to tell you how much I admire your work. It's great to see Assyrian Americans like yourself accomplish so much...Your Assyrian Sister, Sandy Youkhana
Dear Rosie Malek-Yonan; Adele and I were extremely impressed with your presentation on Sunday, November 13th. Your accomplishments in different fields of art, sport, and science are unique in our nation. As an Assyrian family we are proud of you...Regards, George and Adele Sanvanson - Mount Prospect, IL
Dear Ms. Malek-Yonan...It was a great privilege to meet you and I wish you success in your future endeavors. Being from Urmi myself, reading your book has brought me so many nostalgic memories. God Bless; Sargon Yadegar - Southern CA
Hi Sister; Just wanted to say that my Family and I very proud of you. Keep up the good work and Alaha Khamelokhon. Sargon & Regina Warda
Dear Ms Malek-Yonan...I have watched your interviews on [two television] stations. I really enjoyed both of your interviews. I also went on your website and checked it out. I learned a lot about your achievements...Sincerely, Sargena Kaninya - Modesto, CA
Dear Rosie...I’m a very very very proud Assyrian. I was born in Bet Nahrain, Kirkuk but my parents are both from Iran Urmia. I'm married to a Scottish man, and have four children who are all living with me in Scotland. I was going through your beautiful website...I am so proud of you and what you've achieved. I've watched all the programmes you've been in before but didn't know you were Assyrian. Now they are always repeated on TV so my family and I will surely be watching them now with better interest. May God bless you and I wish you more success in your life. And God bless Assyria! Sharleen Will - Scotland
Dear Rosie...Congratulations on your new book, the cover looks really beautiful and I'm looking forward to reading it...I look forward to seeing you on [television] on Tuesday and I wish you all the best. Take care and God bless. Long live Assyria! Sharleen Will - Scotland
Hello Rosie...It must have been very exciting writing a book with such historic significance to our suffering nation...Best regards, Zaia Abraham - Calgary, Canada
Dear Ms Rosie; It is an honor to serve you...we should know about our recent past which will help to keep us together. Thank you for your good work. Y.P. Youkhanna - Sweden
I, too, am an Assyrian. My family is from northern Iraq. I live in Phoenix, Arizona in the US. I started writing music around 12 and am continuing to do so today, at 16. I’m looking forward to your new book, The Crimson Field. George Somi - Phoenix, Arizona
I am very proud of you, and I love you so very much. God Bless You. Peace. Jimmy Page
Hello...Please pass on my greatest respect and admiration to Rosie Malek-Yonan. Joseph Haweil - Keilor Downs, Australia
...I would like to take this opportunity also to say to Rosie, that as a youth I am and will always be a patriotic Assyrian. And having watched you speak in the USA on [television] you have only increased my patriotism and love for the Assyrian Nation. Rosie, I feel so proud of you. I eagerly look forward to reading the book, watching the possible movie and meeting Rosie in Australia. Kindest Regards, Joseph Haweil - Keilor Downs, Australia
Hi Rosie; I read your biography and I am really proud as Assyrian. My name is Michel Jamo, a Lebanese Assyrian. I'd like to continue reading about you. Kindly update me with all your news. Basima Raba. Wish you all the good luck. Regards. Michel Jamo - Lebanon
Dear Rosie, firstly I would like to complement you on the subject that you have chosen to write and secondly the offer to a well designed cover page... Yousif G. Merza - Australia
Dear Rosie, Shlama; Thank you very much for the novel "The Crimson Field". Very few people know about the Genocide committed by Turks and Kurds to Assyrian Christian people...Dear Miss Malek-Yonan, the 1914-1918 slaughters were a Genocide. It is very important to say that in explicit terms. Therefore it would be great if you could change the words "the 1914-1918 massacres" to "the 1914-1918 Genocide". The perpetrators still deny this Genocide against the Assyrian nation and also against the Armenians and Greeks. The policy of murder, oppression, libel and persecution against the Assyrian Christian people continue till today. The Assyrian people are still victims of fascist and Islamic ideologies like Turkification, Kurdification and Arabization. Wish you all the best for your life. May our Lord Jesus Christ be always with you. Shlama w khubba, Shebla - Denmark
Hi Rosie...I am an Assyrian artist...I am very proud that we have an Assyrian writer who is interested in introducing our nation...Regards, Nino Tamraz, Assyrian Artist - CA
Schlame raba kobanee minny, Emik u gory Wilson ga asisted liban miagarta Rosy. Raba chidilan but diach, o schula gurad gat ga koly achnan aturaye widuvat. Ana gu internet, kuly giryely. Ina bayan yadanwa, bayachwa ly kitawa bi lischanid almanayi, raba bit chadach. Raba chuba u igara ga miagranutochon. Alaha hawy hamascha minochun. We love you, Emik and Wilson Beblah - Germany
Dear Rosie, I was sitting next to my mom a couple of days ago as she was reading. I looked at the text and noticed some Assyrian words written and I was all of a sudden interested. My mom, Violet, told me that she had met you last November and had you autograph her book along with taking a picture with her. She is enjoying your book very much and is constantly urging me to read it once she is done (and I’m excited to do so). My mom was telling me all about you. I was really proud when she stated that you’re Assyrian! I kept asking questions... In an instant I grabbed the book and began reading bits and pieces of it... I was so excited to know that you were Assyrian and that you had gotten so far! I’m pretty young to say that I felt like a little kid, but I did. All I wanted to say was “I want to be like you when I grow up”... Sincerely, Sarah Lee
Rosie jon, et akher ktawa d "The Crimson Field" pureghli. Raba ewa bassima u raba gham makhebenne. Go kule khayi akh diye ktawa go khaghla d umta lewen wa gherya. Hoya rukhakh u paghrakh go khulmana u hoyat bassimta gha aha marganita d mughrewtowat gha umtaini. Ana ila takhmanti, apen ktawa ile rabet mapshemana u melya m khasha, ina iwa khda shrara d up bnay umtan le yadeiwa mudila werta gha diyey b shurayed 20th. Duzuto, aw zlumya kha hada wiyaile gura, d khina mbar treyn nasle pishle shwigha munshiya ghad yale d yale la daanileh aw yughra. Ina, at b maghrawte d diyye khda gahe khita mhujejalakh rukhed nasle d ate u kherba yan spay mureshelakh men daawar diyye. Bas aha ktawa ghoma d hawe kha nesyana dhimana bidad atyane d baran d la showghi tashaita marirta khadeta. Makhebanakh amminaya. Ashoordin Ashoormaram
Hello Rosie, thank you. I have heard your radio inerview with radio national. You have been the voice for our people. We are hearing and seeing what has been happening to our people in Iraq. In Melbourne Australia we are trying to write to the government and trying at present to organise a protest. Do you have any suggestions for us. Im not sure if you heard about what sweden had organised, we are following in their footsteps. thank you, Baylet Odisho, social worker - Melbourne Victoria Australia
Bravo Rosie Malek Yonan! Dear Rosie, I heard about your recently marvelous book, The Crimson Fields, I searched through your website and read your biography and family background. I am proud of a talented young lady in accomplishing such a great job about the Assyrian’s history and their venture and also I was amazed that you have been involved in different fields of the Art. Our community should recognize you as leader of the new generation and support you to continue your passion, congratulations and God bless you . Paul Caldani - Los Angeles CA (Radio Iran KIRN 670 AM broadcaster)
Dear Rosie, I'm a 26 year old Christian Assyrian woman born originally in London UK. I was undertaking some research and stumbled upon your web page...To be quite honest I'm astounded! I have for so long been dismayed at the lack of strong positive female role models in the Assyrian community...I would also like to make a positive contribution to my fellow Assyrians in Iraq and all around the world. I would very much like to help you in your projects and endeavours. Please let me know if there is a way to help...Thank you for the positivity you have given me. God Bless, Diana Benjamin ­ U.K.
I’m Emmanuel George Brikha, im a 20 year old Assyrian born in Sydney, and am a very patriotic Assyrian, i really try my best to do all i can, and recently started writing articles in Sydney newspapers to raise awareness of the plight of the Assyrians. I myself am a journalism student, which i really want to become very successful and have an impact on the future of my people in the media and international community, so all i ask from you is give me advice on which directions to take and how and if its possible we can one day meet or work together on this cause? Hey Rosie, its an honour to talk to such a dedicated Assyrian who strives to let out the voices of her nation, i thank God for the many people we have truly working in our milat, God bless you and may God give you the strength to carry on your Assyrian dedication and work!!!! Yours truly Emmanuel ­ Sydney, Australia
Dear Rosie - I wanted to say thank you for all your efforts and dedication to help our Assyrian brothers and sisters. Fredy Tamraz, San Francisco, CA
Dear Beautiful Rosie, Every time I visit a website and see you talking on the Air it’s truly a fantastic job that your doing for our community in Iraq and all over the world. My deepest sincerity and appreciation for all that you have achieved and more...Many thanks for your response and keep up the brilliant work you are doing and achieving, Kind regards, John Tooma ­ Sydney, Australia
Dear Rosie, Great to hear from you and I too am honored to meet you. You are making waves in this movement I must say, not a ripple. I listen to ABC Australian Broadcasting Commission, every single day. It’s my only station that I appreciate here in Sydney. And it’s so good to hear you are discussing your views in our part of the world. Well Rosie, your voice is heard all over the world I am sure by our sisters and brothers, and I would love to know if anyone in your part of the world is doing the work your doing to level that you have achieved. I share our cause with many people that I come across here in Australia...Keep up the great work and god bless you always, Warm wishes, John Tooma ­ Sydney, Australia
Hello Rosie...I have just seen your website and some videos of you on Youtube and I am truly amazed at what you have done. Congratulations so far on your career. I am 110% percent positive that their will be many highlights to come. Obviously being of Assyrian decent, I have to say I am extremely proud of the path you have taken...Regards and all the best. John Gewargis - Australia
Hi, Just wanted to say how proud I am of you Rosie Malek-Yonan. My name is Younan Younan...I don't think we're related. My father was from Iran and mother from Iraq. We grew up in Iraq then migrated to USA in 79. Once again, good job, you are really beautiful and I am very proud of you. John Younan
I am Assyrian and want to help, I am also looking for family members in Iraq. I spent 2 years in Iraq working for Blackwater and tried to find family members. Can you help. Sincererly, Kenneth Samuel Matlob
You are a wonderful inspiration to all Assyrian women. God Bless You!! Thank you, Linda Pithyou
By the way, your book was are by far one of the most talented writers. Your writing is so eloquent and powerful that you can’t help but be engrossed in reading it all.  I also want to congratulate your effort in appearing before the  Congressional Committee of the 109th Congress of the United States on religious freedom regarding the genocide, massacres and persecution of Assyrians in Iraq...chaybo sister, and God bless you for not forgetting your people!  You are truly a beacon  and an inspiration for the Assyrian women. Mona K Oshana author "Look Beyond the Fire" - AZ
Hi Rosie, My name is Ninorta Kasso, and I am a huge fan of your book, The Crimson Field. I enjoyed it very much, and I learned alot from it as well. I am the Vice President of the St. Andrews Parish Youth Group in DesPlaines, Illinois. Since reading your book, I have been wanting to spread the word of our history. I recently started a book club at the Youth Group. I had up to 35 teenagers sign up to read your book. I think that it is very important that our youth should know about their own history and their ancestors and what they had gone through...It would be an honor for us if you could come and talk to us all. We would really appreciate it. You are a hero to me and to most of the Youth Group, and we want to learn more about ourselves. Thank You For The Book and God Bless. Ninorta Kasso, Vice President, St. Andrews Parish Youth Group - DesPlaines, IL
Hi Rosie, My name is Rome Said and I am an Assyrian, I am so proud of you, that I live in Phoenix Arizona, and working in Iraq now as a linguist. I just want you to know that I am so proud of you and I hope that we have many like you in our Assyrian nation, I proud to be an Assyrian Assyrian because we build the foundation of the todays world and proud of it. Thanks for everything that you are doing for the Assyrians. I am reading about you a lot which make me so happy that we have some one like you. Thanks. Romeh Said
Thank you so much for answering my email. I have ordered The Crimson Field and am looking forward to reading it. I also want to thank you for writing the book and keeping the story alive. So few know of the atrocities that took place with regard to the Assyrian people.  If you are ever in Seattle please contact me. I would love to have you autograph my copy of your book. Because of you and your book, our families sacrifices shall not be forgotten. Thank you once again. Ron - Seattle, WA
Ms. Yonan, I just finished your book last night, or should I say this morning. It kept me up until 4am.  Wonderfully written.  I’m not Assyrian though my wife is (Shameran Oraha).  This is an amazing story that I vow to tell anyone who would listen.  I thank you for writing this amazing piece of world history and family history.  In today’s modern world I wish all could know the ignorance of some, that’s inflicted against the Christian Assyrian’s. I have a signed copy that you presented to my mother in law...I will cherish and encourage my children to read when age appropriate.  They are 8, 6 and 20 months old now. All the best, Jim Anderer - San Francisco, CA
Dear Ms. Rosie, I just would like to tell you thank you for posting those projects up at Amex. When I saw the commercial on TV, the first thing I thought about was our Assyrian people! Well, someone else did also, and that was you. God bless you and I'm always praying for you so you may have the courage and strength to keep going with what you do for our people. I have rated all 3 of your projects and I'm pushing everyone I know to do the same. Once again thank you and God Bless you Ms. Rosie! your Assyrian Brother, Andre A. Giorgis
Dear Rosie, Not too long ago I wrote a brief testimonial on your recent book: “The Crimson Field”. I have heard your discussion with our SBS Assyrian radio contact here in Sydney Australia. And I must say again you have done so much for our community. Your Assyrian commitment towards our brothers and sisters who are so much in dire straits in Iraq is overwhelming. I loved your mannerisms your history with your family in Iran, your Assyrian language, you have a good command of the Assyrian Language. I do speak well, but I still need to improve my Assyrian a little bit more. Your speech in Congress is mind blowing...I am so inspired by your speech...Simply brilliant...Your achievements in the Arts in general is so impressive, I must say Rosie! You have a long history in the Arts. I am so overwhelmed and inspired...I am so inspired with your commitment for our small but surviving community and would like to share my deepest gratitude to you and your family...God bless you now and always and would be delighted to hear from you if you have the time. Warm wishes, John Tooma ­ Sydney, Australia
Hello Rosie, I just wanted to say that I have read and will continue to read your thoughts and view points, facts and opinions on what is going on with our people and others as well, you definitely grabbed my attention I believe there is a lot to be said if people would just take the time to listen, it's people like you with your compassion and your need to feel that something needs to be said and done that will grasp the attention of others as you did me. I look forward to reading your books and other scriptures, and listening to what you have to say.  From what I have read so far and from what Yoel has told me I definitely agree and feel the same way as you. You seem to have a lot of compassion regarding are people and what they have went through and our going thru here in today's society...I just wanted to say that what you are doing and have done is very honorable, keep going with it!  I look forward to talking with you in the near future. Take care, Trisha Hadad
Thank you for the report. As an Assyrian still able to lie in Baghdad, I CONFIRM ALL WHAT HAS BEEN MENTIONED in the report. Believe me when I leave home for work, I am not certain that I will return. Of course many Iraqis are in the same situation but the Assyrians face double danger. One for being Iraqis the second for being Assyrians. Being a person who spent 9 years in the US as a student, I still wonder at how the US politicians look at things. They are blind to whatever they think that might not be of interest to them. That is, they have a selected sense of defending human rights. The Kurds and the Shiites have the most influence; you defend their rights even when they are the source of atrocities to others. The Assyrians have no great influence or people backing them on the international level; leave them to their fate. My appreciation to Rosie's stand. Tiras Odisho - Iraq
Dear Rosie, Basemta raba ke e-mailakh , u basemta raba ke pelkhanakh gabarra. Ana bet jarben madiyannakh lakha gyu atret Armenia. Khaya umtan u khaya Atour. Khubi am Ikari. Arsen Mikhaylov - Armenia
Thank you, it was great. I heard the speech of Ms. Rosie Malek-Yonan. We wish that our Church and political parties leaders were courageous to talk as Ms. Yonan did. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with Ms. Yonan. God bless Ms. Yonan the great daughter of ASSYRIA. Amen. Yours in Christ. Rev. Dr. Khoshaba Georges, Ancient Church of the East - UK
Thanks! I also got this the other day from my Assyrian mailing list, and read the transcript. Brilliant! Tell Rosie hello from Clu in Santa Barbara county. Clu Carradine - Santa Barbara, CA
Thank You Rosie. Dear Rosie, As a fellow Assyrian, I'd like to thank you for your testimony to the congress and your continued efforts to bring more awareness about our nation and Assyrians suffering abroad. I live in Washington DC and wished I could have been in town to attend your testimony and have an opportunity to thank you in person. Very much appreciate what you're doing and you've motivated me to support the cause. If I can be of help, please let me know. JB - Washington DC
Dear Ms. Younan, On behalf of many who attend regularly on paltalk I commend you on your book, address of the congress, and your ongoing national effort... Nenus Younan
Thank you for forwarding the press release. Indeed, we are very proud of our beloved sister, Rosie Malek-Yonan, may God bless her. History does not forget nor forgives; Assyrians do. Albert Gabriel - Nineveh On Line
Dear Rosie, It gives me a great pleasure to extend my sincere thanks to you for your remarkable job in the US congress hearing about our noble Assyrian cause. May God bless you dear. Please, stay in touch. Cheers. Simon Shamoun, Research Scientist & Professon - Victoria, BC, Canada
Hi Rosie, First of all I would like to congratulate you on a job well done on The Crimson Field. I am sending you my greetings. I'm so proud to see that you are such a great person. My heart goes out to the innocent Assyrians who walked the streets of Urmi with their spouses and children, they have committed no crimes yet they suffered the agony, punishment, and massacres. You are truly one of the best historical fact writers ever to serve my Assyrian Nation, a nation that has suffered so much in the past generations and still is. Your Crimson book is very interesting: the way you put the details together, this makes you a very successful storyteller. Believe me when I first opened the book to read it, the book created a magnificent friendship scenario between myself and the lines that draw my attention. The way you describe things allowed me to picture the tragedies perfectly since I am so familiar with historical events that happened to our struggled nation in that period of time (1914-1918). Sometimes I would set the book down to read it the next day, but then I would ask myself what is going to happen to a certain character and before you know it the book is asking me to read on to the next page. Then as I go on to the following page the book asks me to read to the next page and so forth. For example, I would ask what happened to Dr. Shedd, Dr. Jesse Malek-Yonan, the patriarch Mar Benyamin Shimun, Captain Gracey, Agha Petros, the scumbag Persian Arshed Homayoon, the notorious Simko, etc. Then all of a sudden the book answers my questions in the following pages as I read on. This is what allowed me to complete your book within three days. I enjoyed the musical terms such as, allegro, andante, forte, fortissimo, fugue, concerto, legato, piano, pianissimo, etc. All of these terms will help readers to discover new ways to enjoy the book through listening to music. The terms added a twist to the way I looked at the journey that you described. It allows me, as a reader, to have a broader look on the journey. I would like to let you know in all of my research and studied documents, in the history of the past 100 years of Assyrians I have singled out only 2 political intelligent figures that I have admired, one being Yousip Malek, who wrote “British Betrayed Assyrians,” and the other being Dr. Jesse Malek-Yonan. I appreciate what they have done for Assyrians by asking for our rights in writing... Finally I would like you to know my favorite line from the book: “I may not have a country with boundaries, but my country is in me. My country is in my soul and in my heart. I am Assyria.” (Pg. 190). Respectfully, Shlimon Bet-Shmuel
Dear Rosie, Congratulations, this is one of the greatest news I have heard in long long time. Keep going and do not let anybody or any organisation stop or disappoint you. Truly yours, Joseph Saroukhanoff
Rosie: Congratulations and good job. Keep the message out there. Sincerely, Lee Enokian
Good Job!... Lisa Darmousseh - Turlock, CA
For me it is always good to hear and to know the enthusiastic Assyrian... keep up good work for our rights and to help the Assyrians in our ancestors’ homeland, Beth Nahrin... Glory to our Assyrian nation. Best regards, Sami Bello - Alpharetta, Georgia
We should have a thousand more like her. Bronet-Ashurr
Maria Barekhla. Attor Ammo
Dear Rose, I am very happy the congressional committee of the 109th Congress on religious freedom regarding genocide, massacres and persecution of Assyrians in Iraq by Kurds and Islamists will have heard you by now. Every time someone as articulate as you lets them know what is really happening, whether it is happening to Jews, Armenians, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, or any other group, the world takes a tiny step forward and becomes a slightly better place. Congratulations to the temporary victims for having you to speak for some of them. Don't stop... I raise my glass to you and your editor. Edgar Weinstock - NY
Dear Rosie, Everyone is Talking About How Great you are, and The GREAT WORK you did in DC, and Also Talking About Your Book, PROUD of YOU, Everyone. Ashur Betsargis - Chicago, IL
Dear Monica, My family and I been following what your family has been (and is) doing for our Assyrian cause. Your father, Rosie and you, make us very proud, may the blessings of Maran Eshoo Msheekha be with you and strengthen you and enlighten your steps. Best regards, Shamasha John Kaninya and family - Fresno, CA
Go Rosie, we're all behind you, God bless. Shamasha John Kaninya - Fresno, CA
Dear Rosie, I read about your testimony on Capitol Hill. It is magnificent. My congratulation and wish you further successes... Sincerely yours, Sergey Osipov
Rosie, I am sitting in my office and listening to you for the second time at your congressional hearing. Extremely powerful speech. We are truly proud of you. God bless you. Shimshon Antar
Dear Rosie: Chae-Boo Galakh. If you run for a seat in the Congress, or the Senate, be assured you will have my support, financially and every which way. May God bless you for all of your efforts... Once again, you have done a great service for our people. Only devoted Assyrians like yourself may keep our nation and our Assyrian name alive... The establishment of Israel and the creation of Zionist was done by one Jewish man, by suggesting in one of their meetings that Israel must be established, the seed was planted, others acted accordingly. Today Israel is there because of one man's strong belief. You planted the seed for our Independence, now let US help to water it and keep it alive. Thank you. Martin David - Turlock, CA
I am very interested always in hearing about the people who are helping our people's cause in maybe one day obtaining their rights in the region... May God bless you and help you to always serve our cause. Best, Nancy Bello
Great Job and many thanks Rosie and Monica. God bless the Assyrian Nation. Layth Jato - Canada
Good for Rosie!!! Someone had to do it, and I think she was the best person for that job! YAY for Rosie! Rina Paulissian - Los Angeles, CA
Dearest and My Brave Rosie: I hope all is well. It has been a long long time since we have spoken. I was on the Internet the other day and I was browsing on different sites and I came to an article about you presenting the Assyrian genocide to the Congress on June 30th. I am so proud of you. I read the whole letter that you had written, to my mother and sister, and we all cried in sorrow. Above all, however, we are so blessed and honored to have someone like you presenting this horrific situation to the authorities. I am sending you a BIG THANK YOU! On the behalf of myself, and everyone that I know, I am telling you thank you... Please call or write me and inform me of what I can do to help you. I would like to do that in any way I can. Thanks, Juliana Taimoorazy - Chicago, IL
Dear Monica, You and Rosie have done a great service to our nation. Thanks. Sayros Yadegar - San Jose, CA
Shlama khatee Rosie, I hope the US Congress heard and understood... As a non-Assyrian, I’m doing what little I can to wake folks up to the situation (and even existence) of the modern Assyrians... American policy regarding the Iraqi Assyrians needs to be discussed by the American public in general. If not, then we risk either continuing current policy, which leaves the Assyrians (and Iraqi Armenians) to the ‘tender mercies’ of the KRG, SCIRI, Sadr, the Ba’athist resistance, and the radical Sunnis; or on the other hand, returning to an old isolationist position, which again leaves the Assyrians (and Iraqi Armenians) to the ‘tender mercies’ of the KRG, SCIRI, Sadr, the Ba’athist resistance, and the radical Sunnis... In regards to the American public, both the old conservatives and much of the left are opposed to apparently endless military involvement in Iraq. Both sides are generally unaware of and uninterested in the Assyrians, and both sides appear to be unwilling to consider any on-going responsibility to the Iraqi Assyrians for the current situation. On the other hand, while possibly some of the Neo-Conservatives might take the Assyrians into account, their goals in general, at least as we’ve seen them pursued, have lead to the current near-genocidal situation... The only solution which occurs to me is an American (or UN) protected safe-haven or even Assyrian state in the Assyrian heartland... I’m learning Urmizhnaya from a co-worker, and hope I’m using it correctly. Be Well, Bob Griffin, Database Administrator, Ameriflight - Los Angeles, CA
This is amazing. Thank you for sharing it with me. I love Rosie & Monique & I have always been very proud of all their work. May they always be successful in all their endeavors. Bianca Golpashin - Los Angeles, CA
Thank You Once More For Another One Of Your News About No Good Mullahs. But They are Still in Power and will not give it up! Every Day few news about No Good Mullahs, But as long as Eslom is in Iran and people say Shokreh Khoda, No good Mullah stays in power. Power is good why should they give it up? They keep killing to keep control, just like Pahlavi did. Sia Abadani
Dear Ashoreata: I am Assyrian from Iraq. I am proud of you. God bless you. I am US citizen. I am from Illinois but now I am in Iraq helping our troops. I am from North of Iraq. I am form Nineva. Your book was wonderful but you forgot to put the story of an Assyrian, Khoshaba from the village of NALA, north of Mosul. A few years ago he was working, taking care of the sheep of his village. Three of the thief-criminals came to steal his sheep. They had weapons with them. They tried to kill him but they couldn’t. He killed a few of them and he went to the police station to say what happen and he gave himself to the justice. They put him in jail, so when the people of that village heard what happened, men and woman came to the jail to get Mr. Khoshaba out of jail. [The Kurds] started beating him and cutting him with knife the barbarian women were biting him with their teeth and he was screaming and screaming. No one could help him out. His blood was hemorrhaging on the ground. I think someone took video for that and one of the Kurdish shot him three times, because he said I know this man, I do not want him to suffer more because he was screaming a lot. I think the video has been send to Washington DC... and some people in Chicago have that video. Thank you so much for your book and whatever you are doing for our Assyrian nation. God bless you and God bless Assyrian and America. Love [approximate translation] Beronia Oshana - Iraq
Dear Rosie Malek-Yonan, This evening l viewed your documentary to the Congressional Committee in the US. The DVD was given to my dad by a good Assyrian friend and l watched it with my parents and l was moved and truly excited to see that an Assyrian lady could express the identity of our nation so fulfilling. I am so pleased that you have stood up to support a forgotten race of people who they had the bright history from Literature to the Code of Laws, Architectural Engineering, Mathematics and Inventors of Literature. eg. Alphabet. A sematic race and faithful founder of the faith of God, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob out of the Land of Ur who are the father of faith known by God. The blessed language Aramaic in which Christ Jesus our Lord proudly spoke...My father is wishing your family especially your father George Malek Yonan regards and blessing for such an accomplished daughter. I would like to Congratulate you on your achievement and especially your dignity and integrity to our nation the Assyrians. I am so pleased to see such a great speaker which can give honour to our nation and extremely well spoken and respectable lady. I am interested in reading your book and look forward one day to meet you and honour such a highly educated lady. Kind Regards, Julie Pireh - Sydney Australia
Shlam d Marya A'makhon, I usually get e-mails from AINA, and I hear about the atrocities that are being committed agaist our beloved Assyrians in the land of our forefathers. Until today I only learned that there is a person like you who has been diligently pursuing that our voice is heard in the Capitol and the Congress lounges concering the current situations in the land of our nativity. I just wanted to take some time to deeply thanking you for bringing this matter to light so the Americans adminstration's "big wigs" would know how erronously they were when they had a regime change. I am greatly appreciative to your zeal and may the LORD Yesho uphold you by His generous spirit. Respectfully, Jonah (Yonan) Shimon, Assistant Professor, Defense Language Institute
Hi Rosie, My name is Gilbert Yousif and I'm an Assyrian who was born in the United States. I currently live in Modesto, CA. I'm very passionate when comes to being Assyrian...I've read about your testimony you gave before Congress. I admire what you do. I'm heartbroken to know whats going on with Assyrians. Everyday I read new emails and it makes my blood boil! My heart goes out to them, and I sit here and wonder what can I do? I know about calling the white house on the 15th, which I intend to do. I would like to see what else we as Assyrians can do? This is why I'm emailing you, maybe you can help shed some light to me regarding this situation. Gilbert Yousif - Modesto, CA