CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED IN IRAQ FOX 11 News Video Report. Published: Tuesday, 21 Dec 2010, 2:49 AM PST Reporter: Christine Devine Posted by: Los Angeles - Christians who live in Iraq are targets of terror, and becoming an endangered species. That's the disturbing message coming from the Simon Wiesenthal Center, where leaders of many faiths came together to call attention to what's happening. On October 31st, suicide bombers attacked a Christian church in Baghdad, killing 68 people. The Christian community says al Qaida has targeted them, and that the church bombing is the latest of many incidents. Thousands of Iraqi Christians are leaving the country. Rosie Malek-Yonan, author of The Crimson Field, the story of the massacre of Assyrian Christians a century ago, weighs in on whether history is repeating itself. Related Articles: Faith Leaders: Stop Religicide of Iraqi Christians Assyrian Christians will be among those minority groups that will not be free to worship as they choose this Christmas, according to Rosie Malek-Yonan, Assyrian activist and author of The Crimson Field, which chronicles events of the Assyrian genocide in Iraq. "They will be playing a game of Russian roulette, "Malek-Yonan said. "They never know when they leave home to attend church if that is going to be their last mass, if that is going to be the last time they will leave home." |
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